Food from Animals

Concept Explanation

Food from Animals

Food from Animals: Animals obtain their food from plants or other animals. Animals provide us food in the form of milk, meat, fish and eggs.

  • Milk: milk is obtained from animals like cow, buffalo, goat, sheep and camel. It is a nutritious food item and rich source of protein. It also contains calcium. It is required for proper bone growth and nerve functions. It is beneficial to childrens and elderly people.
  • Meat: main source of meat are from animals like goat, chicken, fish. It is a rich source of proteins.
  • Eggs: Hen’s egg is eaten in worldwide. It is a rich source of protein and vitamins. Eggs is obatined from hens and ducks.
  • Fish: it is a souce of protein. Fish may be fresh water fish and marine fishes. Cod liver oil obtained from fish is a rich source of Vitamin D.
  • Honey: honey is sweet liquid made by bees from the nectar of flowers. Honey is collected from beehives. It is used in cooking and medicinal use. Honeybees collect nectar (sweet juice) from flowers, convert it into honey and store it in their hive. The rearing of honeybees on a large scale is called apiculture. Honeybees are kept in apiaries for rearing.
  • Products made from milk are known as dairy products:

  • Cheese: common method of making paneer includes adding lemon juice or vinegar to milk. Then the liquid portion of milk is drained off and solid part forms paneer.
  • Cream: cream is made by collection of top fatty layer of milk.
  • Butter: butter is made by churning fresh cream.
  • Ghee: ghee is made by gently heating butter and removing the solid matter from it.
  • Curd: common method of making curd include adding a small sample of curd in milk. The bacteria present in the curd sample turn the milk into curd
  • Poultry farm is the place used to rear birds for their eggs and meat. Dairy farm is the place where buffaloes, goats, cows, sheep, pigs etc are kept in shed for rearing. We rear animals for their milk and meat. Milk is also used to prepare dairy products. Aquaculture includes rearing of fish, crabs, lobsters etc. Fish provide their meat for us. Fish can be marine or freshwater fish.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Hens reared for eggs are called ______________

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 2

    Food items like grasses, oilcakes ,hay and grains are most likely to be eaten by _____________

    Right Option : C
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    Question : 3

    Consider the passage given below and opt the option that correctly fills the missing blanks.

    Animals like cows, buffaloes and _______A_________ provide us milk. Milk is rich in proteins._______B_________ carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The animals that produce milk are ______C_____________ , honey is also obtained from animals. It is very nutritious in nature. Honeybees collect nectar from different flowers, mix it with a secretion from their _________D______ and convert it into honey.

    Right Option : D
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